Sun dried tomatoes AT HOME

Recently my recipes are 
Calling for sun dried tomatoes
More and more often.

Today I had none left
So I googled how to make them.
They are just dehydrated!!!
Packed in olive oil
Some with spices,
Some not.

I could do that.

There are methods to make
Them in the oven or a dehydrator.
My air fryer happens 
To be a dehydrator as well.

Most recipes wanted you to
Occasionally pull them out
And dip in red wine vinegar.
After reading the recipes
And the reasons...

I could do that...
And I could do easier.

So I grabbed the 4 tomatoes
I bought from the reduced rack
For $0.99!!!!!
I sliced them thinly
And placed them on the baking tray,
Not the rack because I was
Going to add spices.

I covered them in
Kraft Classic Herb salad dressing
Which was what was in the fridge.
This was my oil, spices and vinegar!

Now I selected
Dehydrate fruit
And I let the machine do it's job.

At the 2 hour mark
They were half the size already.

The dehydrator stopped
At 4.5 hours and they were
Perfect  and enough for
2 recipes with enough oil 
And seasoning left to jar 1\2
Without adding anything else.

"Bon Appetit!"


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