Dredged Veggies

Judy(12) wanted to try making breaded raviolli. We had an abundance of chinese eggplant and zuchinni as well.

2 eggs
bread crumbs
salt & pepper
assorted veggies or raviolli

Using 2 eggs with a bit of milk, whisk together a base coat.

Mix together 1 cup flour, 2tbsp flour, salt & pepper, and Italian seasoning.

Dip thin slices of veggies into egg mixture and then into bread crumbs.
Set aside.

Throw pasta (in bulk) into egg mixture that is left.
Pour leftover breadcrumb mixture into a plastic bag.
Drop coated pasta into bag and
then shake until all bread crumbs are used up.
(shake and bake)

Drop items into deep fryer, leaving room for them to move a bit.
(Not too many at once)

Remove when golden brown.
Serve with spaghetti sauce or marinara sauce.

This is a nice appetizer and a good use for leftover pasta
(we never cook the whole bag of raviolli/tortellini anymore,
so we can make these with any italian meal).

John, Judy and I liked the deep fried eggplant and the deep fried tortellini. The zuchinni was too wet.

"Bon Appetit!"


  1. These were so addictive! I kept going back to the plate over and over to pop another in my mouth. Yummy!


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